Enviroment and Quality
Quality policy
The direction of Valgañón Metal Cable, S.L considers the quality as a measurement of the client satisfaction to a minor cost.
So that every day could increase the satisfaction of our clients, the direction of Valgañón Metal Cable, S.L. has decided to provide his organization of a system of management of the quality in conformity with the established model by the UNE/EN/ISO 9.001/2008 norm.
The direction of Valgañón Metal Cable, S.L. as maximum responsible for the quality, will place at the disposal of its organization the human means and necessary materials to guarantee a correct operation of the quality system.
To improve its operativity, the direction of Valgañón Metal Cable, S.L. delegates in quality management the functions to manage and supervise the definition and implantation of the quality system for what authorizes it to take all the measures considered necessary.
The direction of Valgañón Metal Cable, S.L. helped by the quality system, wants to be the driving force of its quality policy that will be aimed at the following goals:
- To satisfy our clients requirements.
- To improve the costs of exploitation reducing the waste.
- To obtain the participation of all its personnel, programming the necessary training courses as help to develop better their activities and processes.
As a result of the previous mentioned, the direction of Valgañón Metal Cable, S.L. expects a continuous improvement of the quality that will verify with periodic reviews.
Enviromental policy
Valgañón Metal Cable, S.L. states its commitment to environment protection and compromises to encourage that all of its activities are done with the maximum respect for the surroundings in which is developed.
This surroundings include the air, the water, the soil, the natural resources, the flora, the fauna, the human beings and their interrelationships.
To be able to carry out this commitment to the environment, the management of Valgañón Metal Cable, S.L. proposes:
- To adopt the necessary measurements to provide the maximum reduction in the pollutants and emissions in its transformation processes.
- To reduce the generated residues and trying to minimise residues and waste at the point of origin and to reuse those residues if it was possible.
- To take all the measures needed to guarantee the fulfilment of the environmental legislation required for any of its activities.
- To obtain the active participation of all personnel at Valgañón Metal Cable, S.L. in this common effort, spreading this policy and programming the necessary actions to reach the pre-selected targets.
- To know and to apply technological improvements as they become available and related to the protection of the environment in all areas of performance.
- To involve the company´s clients and suppliers, as far as possible, in these intentions towards the improvement of the environments.
To reach these targets, the direction of Valgañón Metal Cable, S.L. has decided to develop and to implant a system of environmental management according to the UNE/EN/ISO 14.001-1.996 norm.
Valgañón Metal Cable, S.L. direction awaits a continuous progress in the respect to the environment in which it operates.